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Ligonier Valley Writers invites submissions to its 19th annual Flash Fiction Contest.

Submissions are now being accepted. Deadline is August 15, 2024

We are pleased to announce that, for the nineteenth year in a row, there will be no entry fee for this contest.


The author of the first-prize story will win $50, second prize $25, and third prize $15. Three Honorable Mentions will also be awarded. They will not receive cash prizes but will be published and read aloud with the other winners. All six stories will be copyedited by a professional editor.


The authors of all six winning entries will also receive a one-year complimentary membership in Ligonier Valley Writers, valued at $30. If possible, winning entries will be read at various venues during the Halloween season of 2024. Winning writers will be invited to read their stories at those locations. Winning entries will also be published on the Ligonier Valley Writers website. This year's topic is thunderbirds, phoenixes, and other mythological birds. In 1,000 or fewer words, tell us a story. And please, no poetry. 


1. Please send your flash fiction story as a Word file attachment to an email. Do NOT include your name on the Word document.


2. In the body of your email, include Complete contact info: your name, street address, phone number, email. · Brief author bio: (50 words maximum). ·


Permission statement. (Copy and paste the text below into the body of your email.)


Statement of Permission to Publish: “I hereby grant Ligonier Valley Writers permission to read my story, [insert title of your story here], at various venues during the Halloween season of 2024 and a one-time right to publish the story at All rights revert to me six months after my story is published."


Signature___________________________________________ Date__________________


3. Email your story to Anita Staub, contest coordinator, at The subject line of your entry must include the words “LVW Flash Fiction Entry.”


4. If you would like your story to be included in the LVW archives, include this second permission statement below the first:


Permission to Publish in the LVW Archives: I further grant permission to Ligonier Valley Writers to use my work listed in the statement above for online archival purposes until I rescind this permission. I retain all copyrights.




You may choose not to give this second, archival permission. It will have no effect on whether your story is selected as a winner. Your submission will be acknowledged by email from LVW within 10 days. If you do not receive acknowledgment of your submission, please email either or to let us know.

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