Loyalhanna Review 2025 Call for Submissions
Authors and artists: Are you ready? The Loyalhanna Review literary magazine will be open for submissions to our annual issue on February 15. The deadline is May 1, 2025. LVW’s literary journal is seeking poetry, essays, short stories, and photos and other art. We invite all authors and artists to check the submission guidelines below.
Literature and Art Submissions for the 2025 issue will be accepted electronically between February 15 and May 1, 2025.
ART: Submissions may be photographs, or photos of sketches, paintings, or sculptures, horizontal or vertical, in full color or black and white. Vertical submissions are preferred for consideration for the front cover. Back cover and inside art may be either vertical or horizontal. Send high-resolution photos bigger than 600 x 600 pixels at 300 dots per inch. Be sure to title each piece of artwork.
LITERATURE: One prose piece (story, essay, fiction, humor) no longer than 1,800 words, and/or up to three poems of any length. Previously published work may be considered with the proper acknowledgement of the publisher. Use 12-point Times New Roman, no page numbers, no author name, and save in Word .doc-X or RTF file format only.
Art and literature must be emailed following these rules:
SUBJECT LINE: Your Last Name and First Initial. LR Submission
TO: Loyalhanna.Review.1991@gmail.com
Please send each entry as a separate attachment on a single email. (If you are submitting 3 poems, there should be 3 attachments.)
Cover Letter (body of the email) must contain: 1) Complete contact info: name, mailing address, phone number, and email address. 2) Brief Bio in 3rd person: (50 words maximum).
3) Two Permission Statements. (Copy the text below. Fill it in; INSERT ALL TITLES). Typed signatures are accepted.
Two Statements of Permission to Publish in 2025 Edition
In your cover letter (email body), include the following:
Statement of Permission to Publish: I grant The Loyalhanna Review permission to publish (INSERT ALL TITLES)____________________________________________________
until December 31, 2026 for both the print and online editions. I retain all copyrights.
(Type Signature)____________________________________Date_______
Permission to Publish in The Loyalhanna Review Archive: I further grant permission to Ligonier Valley Writers to use my work listed in the statement above for online archival purposes until I rescind this permission. I retain all copyrights.
(Type Signature)___________________________________Date_______
Your submissions will be acknowledged by an email from the Loyalhanna Review editorial committee within 10 days. If you do not receive acknowledgment of your submission, please contact: jgallagher@LHTOT.com, or rebed1020@gmail.com